The following are the recommendations:

  • Hiring a brand ambassador who has a greater connect with the audience.
    • It can also be independent of specific social media platforms.
    • Type of audience & engagement with the influencer etc.
  • Aggressive social media marketing activities where the target audience is present.
  • Strategic management for reputation & online presence for solving grievances of the customers.
  • Keep nurturing the leads and form a tribe of your fans.
  • Nurture your audience on all the social platforms you are available.
  • Be Consistent by Following SMART Goals Technique.
  • Once your tribe is formed it helps you gain traction through word of mouth.
  • Always maintain the balance of quality and quantity.
  • Make more engagement with the audience by giving discounts, prices, giveaways etc.,
  • Lead generation plays a key role.
  • Emotionally connect with success stories and history.
  • Opt for SEO Strategies for better ranking and optimization.
  • Organic or paid marketing is also one of the factors.
  • Try to Understand your Audience. Not everyone on this planet is going to be your customer.
  • Measure your objectives and key results.